Who Am I and Why I Built This?
From a very young age, I felt that G-d had instilled in me a light of barrier-breaking innovation. And the education I received helped me discover myself - who I am.
Ever since I can remember, the most wonderful riddle in the universe that has fascinated me since childhood was - the human soul. And in this wonderful field, over the years I have developed different and ground-breaking methods, about which I have written and published 8 different books and articles, as well as studied formally at the university and in various places in Israel and the world and specialized in mental health. The goal - to trace the most fundamental root and bring to a person - wherever he is and in terms of his starting point - extraordinary and powerful results in the areas of his life.
During the last decade, since I became a mother, I have conducted in-depth and rigorous research in various fields, worked with hundreds of clients and trained men and women in my methods
Einat Mayrom
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